Hello World


Ah, the pressure to write something witty or relevant to everyone's day to day lives is immense with this first post. Alas, all I have to offer is my musings on little plastic toy soldiers... but what joy they bring! The aim of this blog is really to catalogue my collection of GW Warhammer stuff and to document some of the painting that I do so that it may help others out if they stumble on this blog. Also, any resources I find across the interboggle that I think are interesting.

Slow painter - check!

Not much hobby time - check!

Crap photographer - check!

Hate writing - check!

Starting a blog 15 years after it was trendy to do so? - check!

Most of my stuff is from the nineties and comes from WHFB. At the time, I collected Undead and Vampire Counts. I got started in 1989/90 when I first played Heroquest. I sent off for the mail order catalogue that came with a painting guide that had pictures of these really cool dioramas with things like "Space Orks". I still lean towards fantasy over sci-fi. I joined my local wargames club when I was 13 and played a lot of Space Marine (Epic 40K 2nd Ed.) and Blood Bowl (2nd Ed.).

I have dropped in and out of the hobby like most people but have followed it again for maybe the last 7 or 8 years. I even managed to play in a Blood Bowl league for a couple of years. Other armies I've collected (some out of nostalgia) include Dwarfs, Ogres, Orcs and Goblins, Empire and Space Marines. I'd love to say that I play but mostly I day-dream about doing so. I confess to just occasional painting and collecting. Anyway, thats the first post out of the way. I'll start posting some pics in the next few posts to come.
